  • BDSM & Kink Friendly
  • Dating
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Open Relationships & Polyamory
  • Sacred Sex
  • Sex Coaching for Men


I live on the island of Tobago, in the Caribbean, and I am a Widener University (P.A., USA)  trained sexologist (M.Ed.) and qualified Sex Coach (Sex Coach U), who has a B.A. in Theatre Arts, with a minor in Psychology. I use this combination of specialties for the benefit of my clients who need to talk about sex and sex-related issues in a safe enough space.

Extended Bio

Right after completing my BA, I got a job in the field of Arts & Culture, but soon found myself extremely frustrated with my work environment and left. A friend, knowing I was out of a job and looking for something more fulfilling, referred me to the Tobago HIV & AIDS Secretariat. The position was for an Information, Education and Communications Officer, a far cry it seemed from my training.

However, I took the job, excelled at it and was hooked. This was the beginning of my interest in the field of sexology.

The more I learnt, the more I wanted to know and armed with a thirst for knowledge yet bereft of the necessary financial resources, I went in search of education funding and saw something about the prestigious USA’s Fulbright Scholar Program. Long story short, I wrote my proposal, applied, got in, went to school and came back home, and sexual health education has become my life.

In addition to being an educator, I really wanted to be able to do therapeutic and healing work around sexuality. With the help of my wonderful advisor at Widener, I found the perfect solution: Sex Coaching with Sex Coach U, created by an icon and pioneer in the field of sexuality, Dr Patti Britton. I received international certification in 2016. Somewhere between the “in your face” erotica of the media and the “abstinence only” rhetoric of religion, is the healthy, fun, passionate sexuality that you deserve. Let me help you achieve this in a safe enough, brave enough, open, honest, and non-judgemental space.

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It would be safe to say that my experience since returning has been phenomenal. I’m been involved in community programmes and have done many presentations at schools, and even at a church, all very well received.


I am a mother. I love the ocean, love water and I love to eat. I love all things artistic (paintings, music, dance, theatre, photography) and I’m a fairly decent actor. Music and dancing must be a part of my life. They’re how I heal and de-stress…lol! I also like to smile and laugh a lot and I’m very spiritual.

Additional Details

  • Areas of Specialization:Somatic Sex Education, Sexological Bodywork, Male Sexual Concerns, Female Sexual Concerns, Couples Concerns, Expressive Arts Therapeutic Approaches, Genital Deamouring
  • Biography, degrees, certifications:I am a clinical sexologist with a Masters of Education in Human Sexuality from Widener University, USA and a theatre artist with a B.A. in Theatre Arts and a minor in Psychology from the University of the West Indies, Trinidad. & Tobago In addition to my M.Ed. I have a Certificate in Sex Therapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies, a Certificate in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy and Certificate in Embodied Conflict Resolution from The Embody Lab and I am certified as an Expressive Arts Educational Facilitator by Salve Regina University in Rhode Island, USA. I am also a Certified Sex Coach, a Certified 4-D Wheel Practitioner, and a Sex and Faith Trainer certified by the Incarnation Institute for Sex and Faith. I use this combination of specialties for the benefit of my clients who need to talk about sex and sex-related issues, in an environment that is healthy, fun, transformative and most of all, safe and non-judgemental. I live on the island of Tobago (of Trinidad & Tobago) in the Caribbean where I volunteer at a halfway home for ex-convicts, and at an art-based NGO for children. I am a 2019 TEDxPortofSpain Speaker, a USA Fulbright Scholar (2012) and the cofounder of the Tobago THETA Company, top performing arts company in Tobago, which focuses on using expressive arts for social and behaviour change.
  • Professional Philosophy:Pleasure is healing. Pleasure is medicine.
  • Primary Audiences Served:Adults of all ages
  • Services Offered:Sex Coaching & Sex Counselling, Sex Education, Workshops
  • Gender: Prefer not to say
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    Q What is the difference between sex coaching and sex therapy?

    The main difference is the intention of the two modalities. Sex therapy is based on the medical model that identifies what is not working (a pathology) and works to fix it (with a course of treatment). Similar to a general therapist, a sex therapist has the authority to diagnose a disorder and prescribe treatment. It focuses on exploring the past and processing deep emotions, and time is spent exploring the ‘why’ questions of your life – why you feel and behave as you do.

    Sex coaching on the other hand, is a professional style, which blends the best of sexology (“the what”) with life coaching (“the how”). Think of it as part psycho-sexual education and counseling, combined with action-oriented and motivational plans. Sex coaching acknowledges your unique history as a part of the context of your life, but focuses instead on where you want to be, and then helps you design an action plan to get there. Sex coaching is usually short term – results can often be achieved quickly, and focus is maintained on moving forward towards goals.

    Q Do you help people who have experienced sexual trauma?

    The short answer is yes. Remember though, that although coaching is very therapeutic, it is not therapy. Sex coaches recognise the value of therapy and other modalities in working with human sexuality and so a client may first need to treat with the mental health aspect of the trauma. As a sex coach, I recognise when a person first needs to be referred to a mental health professional (psychologist, social worker, psychiatrist, etc.) and then after this treatment, I can work on the sexuality aspect of the healing.

    Q I don’t really have a sex problem, but I always want to learn new skills and find out if I’m sexually well. Can I still come to see you?

    Absolutely! I especially work with clients who simply want to enhance their experience or want to explore their full pleasure potential. With a sex coach, you can learn how to have better sex than you ever expected…at any age!

    Q What do I do if I’m willing to go for sex coaching but my partner isn’t?

    Although there will be faster results if both partners seek coaching, one partner can make a difference in the relationship. Even with helping a couple, only some sessions are done with both present, since individual sessions are key to coaching couples successfully.

    One partner’s growth and change can have a significant impact or influence on the relationship, as the other partner may begin to respond in a positive way.

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    October, 2024




    August 26,2019

    • Tuesday
    • 9:00am - 10:00am
    • OnikaH
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